Daycare Center With Programs That Focus on Educational Enrichment

At Sprout Early Care & Preschool, we are dedicated to providing your child with an environment that helps them build the skills and knowledge they will need to succeed. Offering a number of programs and activities that can help familiarize your child with essential concepts and skills at our daycare centers in Kalamazoo and Otsego, you can trust in Sprout Early Care & Preschool to provide your child with enriching educational experiences that prepare them for success.

Health and Exercise Programs

It’s important for children to build healthy habits early in life, and with the gymnastics and fitness programs at Sprout Early Care & Preschool, your child will have the opportunity to learn about healthy sleeping, eating, and exercising habits, helping them to have a healthy lifestyle as they grow up. With our movement education programs, your child will also have the chance to develop coordination and movement skills through play and activities that will help them develop their gross motor skills.

Building Language Skills With Spanish

Learning a second language is a great way to build stronger language skills for your first language. At Sprout Early Care & Preschool, we offer Spanish lessons twice a week in order to help improve your child’s language skills. At around 4 years of age, children are more capable of learning a second language, and with our Spanish program, they will have the chance to learn a second language early.

Building Cognitive Thinking and Reasoning Skills With Music

At Sprout Early Care & Preschool, we love music, and understand just how important a role it plays in your child’s education. With a music program that gives children the chance to learn about sound and rhythm through dancing, singing, and interacting with musical instruments to help create a sensory rich atmosphere, your child will be able to build better cognitive thinking and reasoning skills.

STEM Focused Programs

One of the best ways to prepare your child for success is to familiarize them with important subjects early. With Sprout’s STEM focused programs, your child will have the chance to build a foundation of knowledge for subjects that can help them excel later in their education. Helping to provide them with a strong start to their education by helping them learn the basics of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, our STEM program can help prepare children for success in education by helping them build the skills they need early.

Offering a number of programs that can help your child build a strong foundation for knowledge, as well as develop important skills and habits, the child enrichment programs at Sprout Early Care & Preschool offer an excellent way to prepare your child for success in a safe and nurturing environment. Contact us today to learn more about how the childcare and enrichment programs at Sprout Early Care & Preschool can help your child succeed.